Girl meets boy

Hallo again!
Let's just say this summer has being a mixture of different feelings for me. Emotions running around town, good time with family, bad times with friends, laughter, crying, yelling- yea! it was a nice little Roller coaster. I believe that no matter what happens in your head, in your home,at work or wherever, it is very important to come out smiling in Public *Makes people wonder what's going on in your head without actually guessing it right*. For one thing, I'm not actually a great example of people who smile on the outside because according to people I frown a lot and I have my reason which I really hate to explain.

Meanwhile, I decided to put this look together since....March! I know bad bad bad. But then I do like to bring out an outfit that has been living in my head at the snap of a finger. I bought the shoes for my birthday(March :0) as well as the bowtie. That's how long ago the outfit has been put together.

These all fit into my intro paragraph just to say, I can sometimes vent with my outfits. I feel like a real woman inside with real emotions as well as the little masculinity helping me stay strong through life's roller coaster. I'm thankful though, and I have prayed to God to let the next six months of this year be reflective of something positive in my life.

Jezebel slouchy pants- Online
Striped Leotard shirt- thrifted
Red bowtie- Ebay
Handbag- Olivia and Joy
Caged wedges-

 By the way, I got a new camera and I haven't gotten around the setting yet, still playing around a bit
you all enjoy a blessed week
Fierce and love,

This entry was posted on July 2, 2012. You can follow any responses to this entry through the RSS 2.0. You can leave a response.

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