
Yesterday was very tiring from a church member birthday party on Saturday and so was the day after. But the way I was brought up, no matter what you get up every Sunday morning ready to go to church. So let's just say I was on the go...LITERALLY. I just picked out these two pieces from my closet. I have had them both since last summer and I tell you sometimes the unplanned outfit comes out just fine.

For my hair, I don't know if it is just me but I find the funkiest hairdo's when my braids get old. ON Saturday I had it braided from the back forward and then wrapped up. Yesterday i had it braid to the front and then wrapped in a bun just like solange's. ORANGE LIPS, NUDE EYES...YEA!

Crochet tank- target
Floral skirt- DIY
Crochet necklace- Gift 
Quilted purse- Ebay
Strappy wooden sandals- Target

Have a beautiful week
Fierce n luv

This entry was posted on July 23, 2012. You can follow any responses to this entry through the RSS 2.0. You can leave a response.

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